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Dmitry Sergeevich Lihachev. Cyril Jurjevich Lavrov, National actor of Russia shares his memories about Dmitry Sergeevich and reads some pages from his sketch about the Solovky under the Soviet authority.


Valery Vladimirovna Barsova - National actress of the USSR, laureate of the State premium of the USSR. Her work contributed to the glory of Bolshoy theatre of the USSR in 1920-1940s. In 1947 Barsova left opera scene and devoted herself to chamber performance. Was the professor of the Moscow conservatory where taught since 1950.

Ivan Semenovich Kozlovsky - National actor of the USSR, an outstanding opera singer.

Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova - the greatest modern singer, National actress of the USSR. «Her voice has a specific Russian tone, Russian colour. Bright, affluent in tone, with that clear sunshine which bears infinite pleasure to the listener » (American newspaper « Hollywood Citizen News » 1966).

Leonid Vitaljevich Sobinov- an outstanding singer, the greatest tenor. Concerning his performances in Milan newspapers wrote: « His voice has the purest tone, it is smooth, touching your heart, the voice infrequent and precious which he governs and models with great art, intelligence and taste ».

Maria Kallas- a singer, the greatest drama actress, she had a lyric-dramatic soprano, an infrequent voice. Singer Tito of Gobi: « We shall never see anybody better than Callas ».

Michael Ivanovich Vavich (1881-1931). His voice - a dazzling high bass of a major range - turned out to be so well set by nature, that it did not require studies with teachers. M.Vavich acquired all-Russia popularity, played title roles at theatres, recorded long plays. After 1917 he got to the Ukraine, then to Poland. He went on tour to European cities, America, acted in films. Died in France.

Montserrat Cabalier - a modern Spanish singer (soprano). Performs at many world opera houses. Song "Barcelona" chanted by Montserrat Cabalier and Freddy Mercury duet became a hymn of the Olympic Games - 92

Nadezda Appolinarievna Kazantseva  - National actress of the RSFSR,  the State premium of the USSR laureate. Had a lyric-coloratura soprano. Acted in concert opera stages, but found her genuine calling in self-dependent concert activity in which she had been engaged up to the beginning of 1970s.

Tamara Sinjavskaja - the opera singer,  National actress of the USSR, laureate of the Moscow and Lenin Komsomol premiums, the lady of  the Labour Red Banner and «the Sign of Honour» orders, the golden winner of three competitions:  IX World festival of vocalists in Sofia , XVII International competition of vocalists in Verve (Belgium), IV International competition in honour of Tchaikovsky.

Feodor Ivanovich Shalyapin takes a special place in art: he is a musical drama actor in its maximum expression, unknown before him and unchallenged till now. Shalyapin's experience is one of the mightiest expressions of Russian realism. «I won't imagine and find it possible that that immortal tradition in a theatrical art which puts alive soul of an actor, soul of a person and godlike word in locus of the scene could ever grow decrepit». Shalyapin's scenic range is immense:  tragic and comic images, characters - touching and frightening, noble and crafty , artful and full of passion, loose and dignified, majestic and cowardly, malicious, suffering from affliction, full of soft humour and unearthly melancholy.

Anastasya Dmitrievna Vjaltseva (1871-1913) a famous Russian singer, was born in Rubtchevsk, Orel province. Studied "ballet" in Kiev, arrived in Moscow in 1902 . Performed at several theatres of the two capitals, in opera, on concerts. Committed tour across Russia, being a tremendous success.

Boris Shtokolov - National actor of the USSR, a famous opera and chamber singer. Russian national songs and romances which he performed with great sincerity, musicality and expressiveness formed the basis of his chamber repertoire    .

Vladimir Ivanovich Kastorsky (1870-1948) - an outstanding chamber singer, there are more than 40 opera parts in his repertoire. He is awarded with ranks: Honored artist of the RSFSR, Honored art worker of the RSFSR. Had an orotund mobile bass of velvet tone and a broad band, an exclusive drama bestowal.

Natalia Ivanovna Tamara (1873-1934), a famous operetta actress. Had not strong, but pleasant and smooth mezzo-soprano. Acted at  Petersburg theatres, chanted with M.Vavich on Ukraine after revolution . Didn’t perform since1926. Died in Leningrad.

Oscar Isaevich Kamionsky (1869-1917) was born in Kiev. Studied singing in the Petersburg conservatory, was supported by A.G.Rubinshtejn, P.I.Tchajkovsky. Improved his vocal art in Milan under the direction of A.Rotstsi and C.Rossi. Had a lyrical baritone of a broad band.  He especially managed to perform parts from Italian opera classics.

Jury Morfessi (1882-1957) was born in Odessa in a Greek family. Had a soft baritone of a beautiful tone. Chanted in opera, then took up giving concerts. Tsar Nikolay II considered that in Russia there was no better performer of national songs. In 1920 he emigrated to France, then went on tours across Europe. Died in France.


Alexandra Strelchenko, Honoured actress of the Russian Federation, the laureate of international competitions  belongs to a pleiad of the famous performers of Russian songs, whose work requires a high standard of art.

Archdeacon Roman (Tamberg ) possesses the honour of prolongation of spiritual singing tradition that   prospered and was loved in Russia. He not only composed and chanted modern spiritual songs, but also was one of the first has to perform arcaded cants and bylines. Archdeacon Roman showed the way to Orthodoxy for many people with his songs. He could chant with all his soul, vesting his experiences in a musical - verbal form, so concordant with hearty thoughts of many people.

Vadim Alekseevich Kozin (1903-1994). On a pre-war platform there was no performer, equal to him in popularity and quantity of plates. In war-time he was in zenith of his glory, had a special wagon for concert trips to the front. In 1944 he was banished to Kolyma in a Magadan camp. After discharging he chanted at musical and drama theatre, clubs, left for concert trips across the country, created new songs. Died and was buried in Magadan.

Barbara Vasiljevna Panina (1872-1911) was born in Moscow in a gipsy family.  She had no music education, chanted exclusively on ear. Listeners were struck with her voice - infrequent on depth contralto with low velvet notes. Shalyapin, Sobinov, Tolstoy, Kuprin, Tchekhov admired her singing. A.Kugel's memories: « Sadness in her songs was infinite, hopeless ... And it was heavenly perfect... »

Vladimir Bunchikov (1902-1995) - Honored artist of the RSFSR. Was  the soloist of the All-Union radio for 25 years. V.Bunchikov's main repertoire - Soviet composers' songs.

H orn-player s of Vladimir. In Ancient Russia skomorokhs played horns; wooden pipes were signal instruments of urban watchmen and military formations, shepherds called to one another with horns. Bands of 12 instruments are called «choruses" of horn-players. M.Gorky, V. Andreev pointed out valid reproduction by horn-players of style and character of Russian song; composer V.Borodin spoke about performances of such a chorus with emotion.

George Pavlovich Vinogradov (1908-1980) - a popular singer of 1930-40s. Having a lyrical tenor, performed opera arias in radio plays, and arranged evenings of gipsy romances. Went on tours across European and Asian countries. In 1951 he was discharged of concert activity, taught in the All-Russia creative workshop of variety art.

Elena Andreevna Sapogova - National actress of Russia and her daughter - the beginning singer and composer

Vasilisa Kabakova act as a family duet and perform spiritual verses.

Ivan Surzhikov - Honored artist of the Russian Federation, the laureate of many competitions, a famous performer of Russian folk songs. His high tenor, mild and hard, gave a special latitude to his performance, causing listeners to see the spaciousness of land and the breadth of the sky under which Russian song was born, lives, and sings.

Klavdija Ivanovna Shulzhenko (1906-1984) - National actress of the USSR, debuted in Kharkov. She switched from a theatre of light opera to variety art. Was a success in Leningrad, acquired real popularity in war-time when she started performing with personal jazz - band.

Lydia Andreevna Ruslanova - the queen of Russian song - was born in 1900 in the Saratov province. Educated in the asylum, there came merchants - « to listen, how the fatherless sings ». With song survived the war, performed at Reichstag for the Soviet soldiers on the Victory day. Was arrested and had been in prison for 5 years up to Stalin's death. After discharging she prolonged her concert activity.       

Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina - the unique singer of a lyric-dramatic type, capable of masterful construing of lyrical, drama, genre and ceremonial songs, as well as performing the most difficult vocal-symphonic compositions. In 1977 L.Zykina established State Russian folk band "Russia".

Nadezda Vasilievna Plevitskaya (1884-1941) was born in Vinnikovo near Kursk. Chanted Russian national songs. During Civil performed before fighters of Red Army, was taken prisoner by White Guards, got to Turkey, then to France. Went on tours in cities of Western Europe, America, performed with S.V.Rahmaninov. In 1937 was arrested by French government for participating in abduction general Miller. Was sentenced to 20 years of prison, where she died.

Nikolay Georgievich Seversky (1875-1941) was considered to be irresistible in  operetta, drama, performance of gipsy romances.  Was known as producer and impresario, possessed his own « Ekaterininsky theatre » in Petersburg. Has simultaneously graduated from an aeronautical school,  became an instructor  of  Gatchina aeronautical school. During the First World War became famous as an outstanding military pilot. After the revolution he emigrated to Sweden, then to France. Died in Paris.

Nina Dulkevich (1891-1934). Due to her voice - surprisingly hard and strong soprano with a real gipsy strain - she was considered  a great gipsy singer. A.Kuprin recollects: « When you listen to her, you listen not only with ears, but with all nerves, all blood and all soul...». Since 1927 she became known as a children singer in the USSR.

Olga Borisovna Voronets comes from Smolensk land. Studied in the variety department of the Sokolniky opera studio in Moscow. Formed as a singer under the influence of K.I.Shulzhenko's performing manner.   

Peter Konstantinovich Leshchenko (1898-1954) - a famous actor, singer,  conquered popularity with O.Strok and M.Marjansky's tango and foxtrots. From Odessa, he turned out to be in an expatriation during the First World War. Performed in Paris, Riga, and Bucharest. Attempted to return to Russia. In 1951 was arrested by the Soviet agencies, died in camp.

Sisters Ishhneli - Tamara, Zinaida, Nina, and Maria. They perform Georgian folk songs.

Wonderful horn. A horn is the most widespread shepherd musical instrument. Originating of unique folk bands - choruses of horn-players - is connected with their skill "to enunciate a melody".

Evva Demartchik - a singer, a Polish variety star. Listeners were struck not only with her voice, temperament, high artistic skill, dramatic nature of performance, but also with her repertoire: real modern poetry in songs.

Elena Antonovna Kamburova - National actress of Russia, tells about Bulat Okudzhava (1924-1997) - a famous author and performer of his songs. Songs in B.Okudzhava and E.Kamburova's performance play.


Boris Ivanovich Fomin (1900-1948) - the composer, the writer of many romances, dances, choreographic sketches, little songs, children ballets. A unique lyrical gift of the composer is uncovered in his romances, they embellished repertoire of almost all crooners of that time.

Composer Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselyov is Vice-President of Association of electro-acoustic music of Russia, member of the board of the Union of Moscow composers. He tells about famous composer and conductor Sveshnikov, about choral and church music, about his creativity.


Anatoly Efros -producer, one of the brightest representatives of theatrical updating. « In his performances there was a lot of sun. They infected with power, and there was no hopelessness in them, though more and more bitterness was felt in intonation of the artist in the course of time ».

Andrey Tarkovskyi- theatre and cinema producer,  writer, philosopher, artist. Has shot eight films: « A Roller and a Violin », « Ivan's childhood », "Andrey Rublyov", "Mirror", "Solaris", "Stalker", "Nostalgia", "Immolation". From the first to the last film A.Tarkovsky puts the same problems before spectators: about ways of becoming a moral personality, self-realization in this world, love, self-sacrifice. N.Burljaev, I.Tarkovskaja, J.Nazarov, M.Terekhova recollect their relations with the producer.

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