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Osipov A.I.

Lectures on basic theology for pupils of the Moscow Theological Academy in the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius Lavra are read by Alexey Iljich Osipov, professor of theology.

Basic theology proves the existence of the God, answers what we live for and how can we save our souls, reveals laws of correct spiritual life. Basic theology addresses those who hasn't have strong belief yet and has a lot of doubts, but who is interested in Christianity. As a rule, these people don't have correct spiritual experience, they "haven’t felt the God" in themselves, so they often require rational explanation of the fundamentals of belief, the truth of Christianity and its answers to the main problems of human life. «In solution of the question about soul and eternity a latent cast of mind of each person, his spiritual orientation reveal with the greatest obviousness: whether he aspires to everlasting beauty of spiritual perfection and eternal life, or prefers belief in the absolute law of death before which not only ideals and confrontation between goods and evil, true and false, beauty and disgrace, but also life itself are equally senseless".

Archbishop Averky

Four Gospels are written by the disciples of Jesus Christ. They tell us about His life in the world. The Church teachers formed explanations for correct comprehension of the sacred text.   Archbishop Averky - the teacher of the Holy Trinity theological seminary, New-York, the USA - collected such explanations in 1950s.

Reader: Stanislav Fedosov

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